Members of the 2008 Rutherford County 4-H Chick Chain project group recently gathered at the Old Fort Park Agriculture Center for the annual 4-H Poultry Show and Sale. Twenty-one 4-H’ers from across the county gathered for what will be the final 4-H event held at the Old Fort Park location as construction will soon begin on a tennis complex that will replace the livestock center.
The Chick Chain project is one of the 4-H program’s most popular offerings. Participants received 25 baby chicks in March and were responsible for their care until the poultry show held the Saturday before school resumed. Each 4-H’er selected their five best birds and entered them into the show. After the awards were given out to the winners, all the birds were auctioned off one pen of five at a time. The proceeds from the auction paid the original purchase price of the birds. All profits that were left-over went directly back to the 4-H’ers that participated in the show.
Members were also responsible for turning in a record book of their expenses and receipts along with at least a one-page essay describing the Chick Chain experience. Extension Agents then judged these records while the 4-H’ers competed in a Skill-a-Thon which tested their understanding of proper care of their chickens. Scores from the record book, Skill-a-Thon, and essay of each 4-H’er were averaged together. Olivia Gum from Kittrell was awarded the Grand Champion Exhibitor trophy for having the highest average. For more information about the Chick Chain project, contact Michael Shirley at the Rutherford County Extension Office; 898-7710.
Grand Champion Exhibitor: Olivia Gum
Reserve Grand Champion: Shelby Hill
Champion Birds: Jacob Henry
Reserve Champion Birds: Rachel Elrod
Record Book Winner: Olivia Gum
Essay Winner: Brandon Taylor
Skill-a-Thon Winner: Mary Beth Wrather