Due to modern technology many skills that our ancestors used to survive are being lost. The Country Ham Project Group is designed to teach young people the old-fashioned way ham was cured by our ancestors, without artificial preservatives. Mr. Bob Woods of G&W Hamery in Murfreesboro teaches the skills needed to cure a country ham and the business and background of the Hamery. This process takes several months and over the time spent at the hamery the 4-H members learn other skills besides just how to cure a ham. After the hams are cured Mr. Bob enters the 4-H members’ hams in competition where they can win ribbons and prize money. The hams are ready to be taken home by early November and enjoyed by your family. Our first meeting will be Monday, November 8th at 5:30 pm at G&W Hamery, 411 W. Lytle St., Murfreesboro. Cost is $35.00, and there is a limit of ten participants. For more information contact Barbara Davenport at 898-7710 or bdavenp4@utk.edu.